Sunday, December 5, 2010

Feeling Homesick

I'm not sure what it is about today but I miss my family terribly. I always knew I would never stay "that close" to my folks - but I never imagined I would be this far. After Katrina, we all went our separate ways. My parents moved to Dallas (my Mom's job took her there), I went to Savannah to be with my husband (boyfriend at the time) and my brother moved to Virginia. My brother and I have always wanted to move out of New Orleans. It will always be home, but we both have the same thought about the crime and low standard of education. Five years later - here I am in Pennsylvania. 22 hours away! Forget about flying frequently. There's 4 of us - we'd need at least $1,000 each time we go. My brother is thinking about moving closer (to Tennessee) and my parents are back there again. My sister never left.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about Pennsylvania yet. I've been here since 2008 and it still doesn't feel like "home". I don't think it ever will.

Maybe it's the cold.... :(

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