Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Walk Down Memory Lane...

As I was talking to my parents today, Joey got on the phone and started to sing one of the songs my Mom taught him. He did the whole entire song by himself. I remembered when my Mom would sing that song to us....

...three little ducks that I once knew, fat ones, skinny ones, two by two (i thought there were only three??? LOL)

Anyway, Joey loves this song so much...I didn't get the whole rendition of it by himself but I was able to do a repeat performance with my help. LOL.

I can't believe how fast time flies. Going through videos after I uploaded this one made me kinda sad...Joey is three now. Where did all the years go? Even more so when I look at Jordan. He is 14. My life revolves around these children, they are my light. I can only hope that when they leave the nest, that I have provided them with everything they would need to be good self-sufficient people.

When I have bad days, I remind myself of how lucky I am to have been blessed with such wonderful children.

I thank you God, everyday!


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