Saturday, May 23, 2009


Two years ago, I was still working 40 hour work weeks and going to school full time, missing my husband, my Jordan and carrying a small miracle in my tummy, and wishing that I could live a life that was more fulfilling, rather than draining. And finally, after having been rushed to the hospital because of pre-eclampsia and giving birth to a micro preemie, I took the leap, and left my “work life” for a life of domestic bliss. I wanted to live a life of domesticity and creativity.

It hasn't always been easy. I've made several mistakes along the way: I've taken freelance gigs that seemed too good to be true (and were); I worried about our personal budget, and worried about the "recession". I’ve sacrificed a great deal of independence (financially) so that I may be available to my family whenever and however they need me. I’ve taken “shots” from people who do not believe in “stay at home Moms” or people who’ve tried to convince me that my little baby is good enough to go to daycare. But through it all, despite it all, I'm still here -- and frankly, happier than ever. And it turns out, two years later, there's one very important thing that I've learned, the one thing which, really, I always knew on a subconscious level, but have come to really consciously appreciate:

Intuition is a powerful thing.

In the past year, I've come to the unshakable belief that we have all the answers. Each of us does. That within us, if we just stop and listen, there is enough guidance to let us know whether the path we're about to take is the right one for ourselves. That if we all just take a moment to quiet our minds and listen to our hearts, we'll know exactly what to do.

That the secret to rebirth, to turning into exactly what we're meant to be is to just be still and listen. It's not always easy, but it is possible. It just takes practice. I'm not perfect at it, but I am getting there.

And believe me, if I can do it, so can you.

And to close, here's to learning to listen to our inner voices. May we all become as great as we were all meant to be.

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