Wednesday, May 13, 2009

My Wish Today...

I have been blessed with two of the most wonderful children in the world – both boys! And I love them very much. Lately though, I have been craving for a little girl. I don’t know what it is…I’m terrified of being pregnant again, especially now at my age and after having gone through what I did the last time around.

But today, all of those fears weren’t present. I was overcome with emotion as I walked past all these little frilly things for little girls. Somehow I think every mother should have at least one daughter.

My relationship with my mother is amazing! The older I get, the more I understand her. Don’t get me wrong, we fight! Oh do we ever?!!? But I wouldn’t trade my Mom for anything in this world. She and I have a bond that no one can break.

I want a smart, beautiful, compassionate, head strong and inquisitive daughter. I want a daughter who’s a version of me, minus the insecurities. I want a daughter who is me, only more beautiful inside and out. I want a daughter who has my husband’s kind heart and beautiful green eyes.

I want a daughter who can kick ass yet remain refined and poised. I want someone who will challenge me as much as my boys do.

That is my wish today.

I wish to have a chance to get pregnant again, to have a smooth flawless pregnancy, to hear “it’s a girl” nine months down the road.

I simply want a chance to raise a daughter.

But when I get pregnant and it’s a boy – well, that’s ok too.

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