Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Day Everyone!

I think I am finally getting the hang of this. I have so much to say but sometimes I just don't know how to say it. I started getting the idea to blog when I found so many sites that I read through all day long - they've inspired me, made me laugh, and have even gotten a few ideas from. Somehow no matter the distance, we all seem to find each other. We as human beings, connect in different forms. I guess I can use this blog as a tool to update my family about the goings on here up North, or I can perhaps use this blog to share my thoughts to someone who might just be searching for something to make them laugh and inspire them. Although, I must warn you, I'm not a good joke teller. My captive audience ranges from ages 2-5...yeah sad I know. Worst yet, most of the time, I am the only one laughing!

So yeah, have fun with this, I know I will. :)

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