Friday, August 5, 2011


It makes me happy seeing these kids every day. You can't tell by the way they all smile that each of them have broken hearts, one form or another. It's sad really when you think about it, how they are so young yet they try to handle the world's problems on their shoulders. We as parents have to try super hard to assure that their lives are better than ours. Our mistakes as parents shouldn't be costing our children. 
It's hard for me to imagine that at one point, they were all little babies. Jordan especially. He has gotten so big so fast, it makes me sad some days. And some days, I am just extremely happy that he didnt turn out to be a bad child. He is your typical teenager - forgetful, mouthy, likes to sleep. But all in all he is a great kid. My one regret is that his father isnt a part of his life. It was his Dad's choice. He will be sorry one day. He won't have the opportunity to get to know the one thing we did right in our marriage. I'm lucky. I'm a very lucky girl that I have two precious children. 

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