Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Day of Pre-K

It's hard to believe time has flown so fast that my little baby is now in pre-school. I've waited for this day for so long because I was so excited for him to meet new friends and learn new things - an adventure on his own so to speak. But taking him to school, I felt so horribly sad. I'm not sure why. Perhaps its the end of my term as a stay-at-home Mom? Or could it be that I was just going to miss him so much? He has been my one and only companion throughout my day for the last four years... Selfishly, I wish that both my kids can be babies forever - but I know it's wishful thinking. The act of letting go is something I have never been good at. It's no different now. Goodluck Joey, I know you're going to do well. I love you. 

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