Monday, November 15, 2010


It's hard to believe that "fall" is here. And from the looks of it, it won't last very long and winter will set in. My parents left to go back to New Orleans - it's a bittersweet goodbye. I was very sad that they couldn't make a life here for them. It would have been really nice to have them here permanently - but I guess their heart never really left New Orleans :(

Life has to go on. It's back to our normal routine. :) This past few weeks have been a roller coaster for me. So much has happened and to summarize - it's an experience I don't ever wanna go through again.
I am grateful for my family and everything I have. I really didn't realize how long 24 hours is, until I have no other choice but to count the minutes. Then and only then, did I realize how precious life is.

HAPPY FALL! More to come. I am going to try to keep up with this as much as I can. :)

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