Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First Day Away...

When Joey was born, Eddie and I made a decision for me to stay home until he was big enough to go to "school". Because he was so premature when he was born, we were afraid of just putting him in daycare. We made a lot of sacrifices and still is today so that he can have the best care here at home.
I knew that when he turned 3 - it would be the time to start him off to pre-school, even part time perhaps. As it turns out, my job search is turning out to be not-so-lucky. However, the search for a good school continues. I'd rather be prepared ya know? So during our search, we were offered a "free day" at Gymboree. I've never even heard of this place as a school, I thought it was just a clothing store. Joey pointed it out during one of our drives actually. So I took this "free day" and experimented on how Joey would do without me.
He was so excited to go to "school" that he nearly broke his leg going upstairs to change his clothes.
I was really nervous about leaving him there. I had flashbacks of when I took Jordan to his first day of school. I was a wreck. I thought that he would cry all day while I was gone. Not this guy! He was such a trooper. I dropped him off and couldn't wait for me to disappear. LOL.

He had such a great day that he didn't want to leave. I hope that he reacts the same way when he really has to go....every...single...day! :)

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