Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beautiful Spring Day...

I keep telling myself that I am gonna get better at this blogging thing. Somehow I am always falling short. Ugh! I wish I could get myself organized long enough to actually gather my thoughts and put them down on this blog. Fact is, my days are always crazy busy. My days are filled with unforgettable things my children are doing or something sweet my husband is saying. I want to write them down. I want to document them and perhaps occasionally attach a picture. But again, by the time this house is actually quiet long enough for me to have time to write - I AM EXHAUSTED. At around 10ish, I usually run around the house and almost always end up IN MY BEDROOM. Then I fall into the inviting sight of my king size bed and my huge pillows that screams COME, BASK IN THE GLORY OF SWEET SLUMBER! And temptation always gets me.

I would lie down for a few seconds, thinking I have so much to write on my blog. I'm gonna get up in a few minutes to my computer and type away.

Then the alarm goes off at 5:00 am. It's a new day!

Perhaps, I will try again today....

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