Monday, December 10, 2018

Hello's been a while

I'm a bit embarrassed that it's been almost 4 years since I've written here. Frankly, there is no excuse. I lost the desire to write "online" and I'm not really sure why. I've kept up with my journal at home and I write at least every other day. My life was a roller coaster of sorts these past few years and I had so many things to write about. Funny thing is, when I started this blog, I was so focused on just writing about the "good stuff". But then it felt inauthentic because I had so many things going on in my life that I could have shared and possibly received some good feedback or advice. If nothing else, it would have made me feel less alone. So, that's kind of where it ended. I left Pennsylvania in 2015 and that was the last time I wrote here. I've been in New Orleans ever since and I've had quite a journey.... I'm hoping that I can get back into writing here again. If for nothing else - to feel less alone. So welcome once again.
