Tuesday, September 16, 2014

So Many Changes....

This year has brought so many changes in our lives. We've lived in our double since we've been here and now we're going to move in to our own home. Also, Jordan started college this year and Joey started a new school and he's now in the 2nd grade. Time is definitely flying fast here. Lots of progress though, so I can't complain.

This is our new home :) It's a perfect size for us. It has 3 bedrooms, 1.5 baths, a driveway and a two car garage, and a nice size yard. Perfect fit for my little family.

I have been looking at this for the last month, thank God it's almost over. Move in is coming up soon!

My little guy in 2nd grade :)It's so amazing to me how resilient this little guy is. He's gone through so many changes in his short life but through it all - he remains happy. So proud of him!

My first born now in college. Where did the time go? It's hard to a parent to let go. We raise them to be independent and self sufficient, but deep down we want them to always need us. I have days when I still see that little baby who was so content to just hang out with Momma.... 
