Today my thoughts are all about "how do I go about doing this or that?". I've always been a very creative soul. I do crafts, I make things, I write, etc. To some people, I am extremely organized. But today it seems I can't get my mind straight. Take this blog for example. This started off as a journal about me and my family. I had one with all my creative miracles but I took it down because I found it a bit scattered. So now my dilemma is this.......... should I start a new one? Filled with all the creative stuff I make? Or should I include it here in my personal blog?
I thought about going back to work as well. Full time. But everytime I do, something happens. I'm very conflicted with the scheduling and being available to my kids. Living so far away from my family, its difficult to make such decision since I am the sole caretaker of the kids. If one of them gets sick, I have to stay home. E and I made a decision a long time ago for me to stay home. I am very happy to oblige except that there are days I feel bad that I am not contributing financially. There are things that I want to do for my boys but have to hold off because there's not enough money. We have everything we need but its the little things that I wish I could give them and I can only do that by working.
All in God's hands....