Thursday, November 15, 2012

Report Card Day

November 14 was report card day. It's the first year I am having to pick up a report card for Joey....he did well! We still have to manage self-control and attention span. I have to admit once in a while, this worries me. I'd like to think that he's just being a kid - but what if this becomes worse than what I'm thinking? (keeping my fingers crossed its not). Jordan did magnificent on his report card too. Last year was such a struggle for all of us. Passing 10th grade was nothing short of a miracle. I wish I could take the credit for the amazing change. I believe that patience works. I'm very proud of my kids.....

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Halloween 2012

We didn't think Halloween was going to happen this year. With the impending arrival of Hurricane Sandy, schools were closed and it rained non-stop for a few days. Luckily, Joey had a party at school, so the costume wasn't such a waste. (I still can't believe how expensive costumes are nowadays) They had a parade around the block of their school to show off their costumes, then they had a party at the cafeteria. The kids were absolutely adorable and so funny! Makes me miss my childhood days!

Monday, November 12, 2012

I'm Going to Get Better At this....eventually...

So many things are happening in my life right now and so many things have changed and I always forget to "post". Speedy update - Joey is now in Kindergarten, Jordan is a junior in high school and I am also back in school at Capella. I started working a merchandising position to  supplement the income and to just get out of the house for a little bit but the driving became too much for me. So, I'm a stay at home again...
I'm not complaining, I stay very busy and with the holidays coming up - I really don't have much time for anything else...

So I am going to try and catch up on my blog....
